
沃拉沃拉大学 resources for the media

沃拉沃拉大学是一所 基督复临安息日会 institution of higher education founded in 1892. A fully-accredited institution, WWU offers more than 100 areas of study in professional and technical programs and the liberal arts. 

The headquarters of WWU is located on an 83-acre campus in 大学的地方 situated in the Walla Walla Valley in Southeastern 华盛顿 state. The 大学 also operates four satellite campuses, including a School of Nursing in Portland, 俄勒冈州, a marine biology station near Anacortes, 华盛顿, and School of Social Work and Sociology campuses in Missoula and Billings, 蒙大拿. 了解更多关于WWU的信息.



学生传教 gains valuable experience as a high school Bible teacher

Growing up amongst a large family with many missionary stories inspired Bauer Meeks, sophomore secondary education and religion major, 从很小的时候开始. When the opportunity arose at 沃拉沃拉大学 to be a student missionary, it simply seemed to Meeks like a chance too good to pass up. He remembers starting his paperwork to serve abroad for a year as being extremely surreal. 

Meeks is working as a high school Bible teacher in a town called Majuro in the Marshall Islands. After waking up to see incredible sunrises and crashing waves through his window, Meeks’s days typically begin with a staff worship at the school he works for followed by a worship with his ninth grade class. Between teaching Bible classes for many different grades and teaching several elective art classes, Meeks has a wide variety of teaching responsibilities at the high school. With his plans to begin a career as a high school Bible teacher in the future, Meeks is grateful for the direct experience he is getting in the Marshall Islands. 

In addition to his teaching roles, Meeks serves as the school’s chaplain and coordinates vespers, 教堂, 教堂服务, 和更多的. He also switches gears each day after school and coaches the school’s men’s basketball team. “My growing relationships with the students has been the most rewarding thing during my time here,米克斯说。. “Watching the kids grow and achieve things they couldn’t imagine they could achieve reminds me that the Holy Spirit is actively working in all of us.” 

Meeks believes his student missionary experience has brought him closer to God than ever before. With a packed schedule at the high school and a large number of kids who rely on his guidance, Meeks has learned first hand the need to fill his own cup spiritually through prayer and reading the Bible so he can continue to serve. “I have been able to learn how to lead meaningful worship services, 如何公开发言, and most importantly how to be an example for young kids who look up to me,米克斯说. 

To learn more about student missions at WWU, visit rnk2.net/chaplain.

公布3月. 26, 2024

Bauer Meeks also served in Kenya during a short-term mission in 2021.


2020-2021 Distinguished 教师 Lecture

Department of 音乐 performance

2019 Christmas concert: 访问ors

生活. 在一起.

All great stories must begin somewhere. Ours begins where the air is clear and where ideas, energy, and people do life—together.



Westwind, the magazine of 沃拉沃拉大学, is published three times a year (March, 7月, and November) to share news and information about WWU with alumni, 在校生家长, and other friends of the 大学.